4 tips for making an Indian wedding invitation card look unique

 Indian weddings are all about boasting creative ways of celebrating things. People emphasize a lot about the wardrobes, lighting, foods, DJs, and all, but forget one very fundamental aspect, i.e., wedding cards. It’s like the first step towards a grand celebration. Everyone knows that the first impression lasts forever. Hence, it is crucial to design cards for Indian wedding invitations with incredible creativity that can turn them into an explicit masterpieces. The following tips can be absolutely useful in this regard.

Brilliant use of colors; especially the watercolor 

The first thing that gets the attention of the recipients is the color combination of an object. This rule is very much applicable for wedding cards as well. It especially matters in case of Indian wedding invitations, where making things look colorful is given of paramount importance. Everyone knows that there are some traditional color selection patterns, which are dominated mostly by red in case of Indian weddings. However, those who want to give a unique appeal should opt for using watercolor. The best part about the watercolors is theirattention-grabbing characteristics. Above all, no matter how simplistic the design is, use of watercolor can make it look instantly special.

Drawing sketches of the couple and events

On most occasions, the recipients of Indian wedding invitations simply take a glance at the overall design and throw it out. This has to be a painful aspect for someone designing it with a lot of passion. The host expending some money on it would love to ensure that the recipient has a sight on the same. One of the smartest yet creative ideas for this intention would be to take the help of sketches. Drawing sketches of both the bride and the groom, along with the events, can make the card look thoroughly engaging.

Using incredible photos

Most of the Indian wedding invitations cards look boring because they have no photos on them. Everyone knows that a single photo is equivalent to thousands of words. Interestingly, using larger wedding cards for invitations has become a trend in modern times, which provides incredible scope for accompanying the photos. For example, a catchy photo of a mehndi celebration instead of simply ‘mehndi’ written in words can make the card look multiple times more attractive.

Wedding cards in postcard form

Indians have a soft corner towards vintage stuff. They often get nostalgic when it comes topostcards. Keeping this in mind, the idea to design an Indian wedding card witha postcard theme would be a fantastic suggestion. The best part about this is that those who want simplistic yet unique designs at a lesser budget can also find it suitable for them. All that one needs to ensure that the color combination is not too bold; keeping things plain and simplistic would be a better idea.

Apart from these, designing wedding cards in the shape of a wedding box would be another fine idea for those who want something unique in this regard. Noteworthy here is that all these designs can be customized and personalized as well.

For More Info: Indian Wedding Cards


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