
Showing posts from December, 2021

Types of Indian Wedding Stationary

  All customs and rituals are changing with the times. In the past, guests would eagerly await a wedding with great anticipation. They would look at wedding invitations and wonder what was in store. But now they prefer to have a detailed wedding stationery and be able to plan ahead. This gives them the time to fully understand what is in store for them and what they need to prepare for so that they can be more involved in the wedding. Indulgence is what Indian weddings are all about, don't you think? Different Types Of Indian Wedding Stationary Here are some ideas for wedding stationary that you might consider including in your wedding planning. - Indian Wedding Cards   Wedding Invite - This is the centerpiece of your wedding stationery. It informs your guests about the date, time, and location of your ceremony. It can also be personalized with the names of close family members or relatives, in addition to the bride and groom's names. It is designed to reflect the styl...

Indian Wedding Planning Checklist - A Guide How to Prepare for Your Indian Wedding Planning

  It's official. The wedding proposal is now complete. Perhaps your matchmaking is complete. You and your partner have agreed to share the next major portion of your life. What's your next step? Naturally preparing for the wedding party. The Indian Wedding Planning Checklist is your best friend in organizing a great fiesta wedding party. - Indian Wedding Cards Yes, the wedding will be the first major assignment you and your partner will undertake together, with or without the help of your family members. It is important to book the wedding location. It is important to choose the wedding caterer. The professional photographer for the bridal party might need to be booked months in advance. Hire of wedding and reception furniture and coverings is required. The list goes on... You might feel anxious or uncomfortable about the sheer volume of things you need to do to prepare for your wedding. You may already see the impossible and fear the embarrassment that can result from an u...

Indian Marriage Invitation: Engraving Traditions On Leaflets!

  In India, a marriage is more than just tying the knots of wedlock. This auspicious event reflects the customs and values of each community. Invitation cards can be made by inviting each guest personally. A card not only contains the details of marriage, but also shows warmth and respect. - Indian Wedding Cards Wise men once stated that "Marriages are made on the highest plane of heaven." But they didn't say much about the traditions and procedures that go along with a wedding. The wedding card is what you first see when looking into every wedding. While fancy cards may be in fashion, few people realize the importance of a wedding invitation. Indian Marriage Invitation: Instilling Faith and Sanctity India's marriages are a sacred ceremony. The bride and groom vow to respect each other and to abide by the bonds of love and trust. In the Indian Marriage Invitation, all names of close friends and family are listed. This gesture of appreciation is extended by the fam...

Indian Wedding Cards - Symbol Of Custom And Tradition

  Indian ceremonies are full of grandeur and extravagant. They are full of glamour and vivid colors. These vibrant colours are said to bring happiness and good fortune to the newlyweds. Every Indian wedding starts in the form of Indian cards. The couple or family members decide on the cards, and the job isn't simple. There are a lot of options of choices in the field of Indian cards.   Based on your preferences and budget If you have a budget and preferences, you might want to opt for basic cards or cards featuring god images and gods. This is believed to be holy and godly. God Ganesha is the God that is worshipped before or any other God and the image is featured on a lot of Indian cards. The first page is a description of the wedding date and other information about the location. Just by looking through the contents of an Indian wedding invitation you'll be able to see the grandeur and splendor that the ceremony. They are also highly attractive with the gold of the prints ...